With the average student scoring just 50% for GCSE English Language, too many students lack the fundamental knowledge to show their true potential. At Sophicly, we’ve built a unique system that helps all students overcome obstacles to score the top grades.

Why We Exist
We are committed to helping all students master English.

Mastery means having full control over the language, so students can read, write and speak with ultimate confidence, skill, and knowledge under any situation, whether in exams or life.

We are also committed to helping students discover their true potential. Language is the foundation of our understanding of the world we live in; mastering GCSE English not only gives students the power to tackle exams, but it changes their understanding of life and themselves.

As students progress through our courses, they not only become master communicators but also truly educated members of society who are creative, knowledgeable, and skilled at deep critical thinking.

Simply put: We exist to help students become expert learners who understand the pricelessness of being truly educated.
Sophicly is committed to helping students master GCSE English.
What We Believe
  • 01
    All students can achieve mastery.
    The science is clear; anyone can achieve mastery, not just the privileged.

    “Even the most motivated and intelligent student will advance more quickly under the tutelage of someone who knows the best order in which to learn things, who understands and can demonstrate the proper way to perform various skills, who can provide useful feedback, and who can devise practice activities designed to overcome particular weaknesses.”

    ― K. Anders Ericsson, Peak: How to Master Almost Anything

  • 02
    Each student has a unique journey.
    It doesn’t matter where the student starts, whether they are achieving good grades already or feel as though they just don’t get it; we assess each student’s needs and create a plan to get them to the very top.

    We’ve seen students climb 4 grades in 8 weeks and we’ve seen students climb 5 grades in 1 year. If a student is willing to be dedicated, consistent and patient, we will show them how to discover their best selves at their own pace.
  • 03
    Our students’ success is our success.
    Nothing is more important to us than seeing our students succeed.

    We build students up to be able to express their most creative selves by devising interactive, fun and innovative tools for learning.

    – Innovative

    We pay close attention to each student’s needs at all times, adapting whenever necessary to build student confidence and help them perform at their best.

    – Adaptive

    We update our site with new content almost every day; from new courses, new lessons, new quizzes, downloadable material, videos and much, much more, there is always something new for our students to explore and discover.

    – Continuous improvement

Our Mission
  • We guide students to overcome obstacles in English exams to find success in 11 plus, SATS and GCSE English Language and Literature.

    – Exam success

  • We strive to help students become truly educated, ensuring that their skills help them thrive in the world beyond their exams.

    – Truly educated

  • We aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

    – Real skill and knowledge

  • We develop challenging but evidence-based programmes of education and rigorous assessment that guide students in a step-by-step fashion on the road to mastery.

    – Mastery curriculum

  • Our programmes encourage students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand the value of putting themselves in other people’s shoes.

    – Empathy

  • We use English as a foundation for students to understand wider topics from politics, to history, society, the environment and technology.

    – Integrated learning

  • We use advanced 21st century tools together with traditional learning methods to help students discover their true potential.

    – 21st Century technology

  • We place high expectations on all students and support them in their quest to live up to these expectations

    – High expectations

They trusted us.

We’re happy because our students are happy.


5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
I saw a massive improvement not only in my attitude towards learning but my grades as well. I studied… in a way that has never been taught to me in school and it has shaped who I am today…
Top grade student
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Abdullah was incredibly useful. He had a very methodical way of teaching and it allowed me to make steady yet sustainable progress which was reflected in my end-of-year grade.
Top grade student
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
…one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Abdullah’s help with concepts such as active recall as well as different learning strategies while learning new content has creatively impacted my way of learning…
Top grade student








